The good thing about opting for an outdoor TELEVISION antenna rather than an indoor TV 10 Sharks antenna is wedding party. An indoor TV antenna has the disadvantages of being smaller and having to receive TV signals through the structure of your home or other building. That typically translates to a less powerful signal and poorer wedding party. An outdoor TV antenna can be larger and can achieve line of site with the transmitting antenna with no interferences.
Some disadvantages of an outdoor TV antenna include a possibly complex installation and longer cable runs. If you want the best TV reception in your area and you’re either trying to cut the ties with your cable company or you don’t have the option of cable connection TV, then an outdoor TV antenna has the best chance of meeting your expectations.
TV antennas and antennas on the whole are difficult to understand. You can place the same digital antenna in two different locations and get vastly different reception results. That means that the performance of any TV antenna is going to be highly dependent on its location. The best thing to do before you buy any outdoor TV antenna is to perform some signal analysis.
What exactly is signal analysis? Sites like AntennaWeb. org and TVFool. com give you the best shot at predicting what type of antenna you need before you buy. You supply them with some basic information about your location and their software will perform an analysis of the HIGH-DEFINITION antenna type that is most likely to deliver the best results.
By simply way of example, I actually stay in Virginia Beach, Las vegas. It is the greatest city in Virginia and as you might expect, has several TV stations close up by. In fact, I live within 10 kilometers of several stations and they all happen to be in about the same direction from my house.
To do an analysis, I entered my zip code into AntennaWeb. org. Its analysis demonstrated me that there are no less than forty-eight channels from 23 areas that I should be able receive inside my location. For each local TV channel, it lists the RF channel, its distance from my location, and the relative direction to the channel’s broadcast antenna. From my location, the majority of the channels are southwest individuals within 25 kilometers. Which means that most UHF/VHF antennas should work fine for us.
Not everyone lives in a major city area with lots of choices for local TELEVISION channels and where just about any digital TV SET antenna will do. In case you are in a little town in eastern Montana, for instance, you might just be able to get four channels from two stations and then only if you use a sizable directional outdoor HDTV antenna mounted high on a mast.
Antenna power is deceptive because antennas are passive and don’t actually create any power. It actually refers to the antenna’s gain, which measures how much power of the transmitting antenna’s power your antenna can actually receive. The larger the gain, the better the reception. Gain is also a complex topic so most antenna companies choose to publish the number of the antenna in kilometers.
It’s not a good comparison tool since range is sensitive to a number of local conditions in your way on the path to the transmitting antenna. Nevertheless, for the average consumer, it’s probably about the only specification that you will be able to compare.